Alife Rivington Club was intended to be the Harvard Club of sneaker boutiques. Combining the decor and tradition of an upscale social club in all its mahogany glory with the world of sneakers. From the moment one is buzzed into the sneaker shop, which boasts an outdoor courtyard if one is so inclined, there is a feeling, a thought of “So this is how you’re supposed to look at sneakers.”
Taking the star of a child’s life, the sneaker, and repackaging it - in the process sanctifying it as a remembrance of things past - has permitted this seeming contradiction of high and low lifestyle to converge on one location, Alife Rivington Club, with purpose and meaning. The visitor stands to the right, accepting the long horizontal rows in front of him as his past and what he may be able to once again cherish in his future. Alife Rivington Club is the ideal setting for any shopper looking for a story to accompany their beloved merchandise.